Meal Prep in Iran

Patty Tahara Rassouli
4 min readJun 11, 2021

Food. It’s on everyone’s mind in Iran. I would say for my husband’s Persian family, it is a major pursuit. “What will we eat tomorrow?” someone will invariably ask as we polish off today’s meal.

To give an idea of how much preparation is involved, may I provide the example of my sister-in-law, Mina, married to my second oldest brother-in-law, Hossein.

Mina upon finishing breakfast, will tidy up a very clean home as one never knows if a guest will arrive. Then, donning monteau (an outer coat to cover the body) and roos sari (head scarf), she sets off to the shops to buy…



Patty Tahara Rassouli

Rassouli pursues eclectic musings on the wonder, craziness, and joy of life.